For our next Speaker event we will be having a dinner on Monday, February 17th with Dr. Jackie Berman. She will speak about aging well.
As a Senior Research Director at the New York City Department of the Aging, Dr. Berman has overseen a range of research and demonstration initiatives, including those focusing on mental health, financial exploitation, and elder abuse. She has co-authored numerous studies, as well as the book, Depressed Older Adults Education and Screening. She has designed, implemented, and coordinated randomized controlled trials on a number of programs including, a mental health program for elder abuse victims, PROJECT, and the health and wellness program, Age-Tastic. She has been the principal investigator on numerous studies, including the first statewide prevalence study of elder abuse victims in New York State, a federally funded block grant through FEMA, serving the mental health needs of older adults impacted by hurricane Sandy, and the first evidence based mental health treatment tailored for elder abuse victims. She has spoken at both national and international conferences, on aging issues. She holds a B.A. Degree from the University of Michigan and both a MSW and PhD from the Columbia University School of Social Work. She is THE youngest and first PhD from the CU School of Social Work.